Prayer & Liturgy
As a Catholic school, Prayer & Liturgy is an important time during which we can share in celebrating God's love and learning more about our Catholic faith through stories, songs, drama, games and prayer. We also explore the traditions of other religions in order for children to become more understanding of the beliefs of others.
The Values we promote through Prayer & Liturgy are the foundation of our school ethos and help us to live by the Gospel Values. We have nine DISCOVERY values which we celebrate with the DISCOVERY Award in our whole school Gospel Assembly each week. These are: Determination, Independence, Serve God, Courage, Open-mindedness, Victory, Encouragement of others, Resilience and Yearning for Learning. These are explored in depth, linked to British values and the diocesan virtues that we try to model.
We are well supported by our parish and Father David (who joined our parish in September 2023) visits the school often to lead Mass. Each Mass a different class prepares and takes an active part in our celebration. Families of the children leading Mass are very welcome to join us in the school hall. Our church, St Joseph's, is located a short walk from the school. We hold special celebrations here every year such as Confirmation, First Holy Communion and Christmas, as well as Feast days and Solemnities.
Every Friday we acknowledge and reward the children for achievements both in and out of school, promoting the ethos of the school that all children are valued and learning is celebrated.
Monday | KS1 & KS2 assemblies |
Tuesday | Singing assembly |
Wednesday | Whole School Gospel assembly |
Thursday | Pupil-led Prayer & Liturgy in class |
Friday | Achievement Assembly & Teacher-led Prayer & Liturgy in class |