Welcome to the St Joseph's PTFA! We are an enthusiastic and dedicated bunch of parents, trying to enhance the wonderful experiences that our children have at St Joseph's through fundraising, social events and, above all, a lot of fun. Please get in touch or come along to one of our meetings or events and say hello!
Marleen Weed and Christine Falp - Co-Chairs
Joanne Ward - Treasurer
Sara Goodwin - Secretary
Summer Fair
To volunteer some of your time to help us at our Summer Fair, please complete the google form here:
Help us out!
You can help us while you shop! Just download the EasyFundraising app (available on your phone, or PC) Make sure your parents, in-laws, siblings, friends, and anyone else you can convince can jump on and support us too! All you need to do is click to where you normally shop through the app, or accept the donation in the pop-up on your PC, and make the PTFA a load of free cash. So far Easy fundraising has raised us over £1000, with only 40 supporters, so imagine what we could raise with even more of us. It costs nothing, and will take less than five minutes to join. Thank you again for all your support!
What we've been up to:
Wow! What an evening! So much singing, dancing and laughing (and sweet eating...) There was even a unicorn spotted at several points during the KS2 disco! Thank you to our amazing friends from Murphy's Bar for providing us with the music and lighting once again. Another huge thank you to all our teacher and parent volunteers who make the disco possible, without your support we couldn't run these events. Finally, the grand total. Tonight we raised an amazing £718 for our lovely school. A truly awesome amount. Thank you everyone!!
We are thrilled to be once again running our Spring Raffle. Tickets are £1 each. They are available from the school office, at the Easter Family Bingo ( Friday 15th March- doors open 6pm, eyes down 6.30pm) and our Easter Fair at St Joseph's Church (after 10am Mass, approximately 11am). We have some amazing prizes donated by our generous friends from lots of local businesses.
We have a 6 tickets for Cheltenham Races on Wednesday 17th April from
A free music lesson with
Full set of BIAB with nail art from
A voucher from Hair by Rachel
A voucher for 2 breakfasts from
A £10 voucher from
A £40 voucher from
10x£10 taxi vouchers from
Green fee voucher for 2 from
A £50 meal voucher from
Sunday Lunch for 4 from
3 pre-school sessions from
A voucher from
A £25 voucher from
A 30 minute massage from Kelly
A Teddy Bear from the Shires branch of
and more...
We are hugely grateful to all these local business for their support, and wish you all lots of luck!!!
🎄🎅⛄️We were delighted to host this first Christmas Fair in a very long time!🎄🎅⛄️
We hope all our families had a great time with our tombolas, playing our festive games (thanks Rudolf for letting us play hoopla with you!) and meeting our magical guest, Father Christmas.
As always to make events like this work we needed the support of our school community, and thank you for turning out in force to allow our Fair to be the success it was.
We also hope the children enjoyed picking out presents for their parents and carers (and many more people!) We had a record of more than 160 gifts ordered, so thanks for keeping the PTFA Elves very busy! Lots of our children also undertook the Whitnash Winter Wander, and we hope they enjoyed their House Point Rewards!
🎄🎅⛄️We can't wait to see you all in 2024! 🎄🎅⛄️
We are inviting our Year 6 pupils to help out at our Christmas Fair. The letter is available here to download and print if you need an additional copy. Thank you!
This Christmas we are offering the children a chance to buy a surprise Christmas present for their parents or carers. The gifts will cost £3.50 each, and the children will be able to choose presents from a selection. The children will collect gifts during school time, in the week commencing Monday 11th December.
If you would like your child/children to take part in this fundraising initiative, please complete and return the slip at the bottom, together with your money, in an envelope clearly marked ‘Christmas Gifts for Parents’ by Friday 8th December. If you have siblings who are both buying gifts, please fill these in on the same form. Siblings will be brought in to select presents together, so you don’t end up with the same gift twice!! Please make sure the person who the gift is for is labelled clearly. If you don’t have a printer, please make sure all the details below are written clearly on a slip or paper or on the envelope please.
The PTFA are delighted to be running the Whitnash Winter Wander this year. You can order a copy of the lovely festive trail around our local area, which includes our School and Parish Church! The trail costs 50p and will be emailed straight to your inbox by one of the PTFA Elves!
Every child who completes the Whitnash Winter Wander and emails in the winning festive phrase will be awarded some lovely house points, so don’t forget to email your answer straight to the PTFA!
Rainbow Raffle
We need your help to create 7 different coloured hampers for our raffle!
Each class is going to create their own colour themed hamper. Please donate something in your class colour on Tuesday 4th July, and the children can wear non-uniform in exchange for a donation! Let your imagination run wild - bubble bath, a toy, nail polish, a book, chocolate, a scarf, pencil case, a small teddy, perfume… We are hoping to have some really lovely hampers again this year. The class who bring in the most hamper items, will win a yummy treat for the class to share!
Reception: Yellow
Year 1: Blue
Year 2: Purple
Year 3: Green
Year 4: Red
Year 5: Orange
Year 6: White
- Please send in your donation on Tuesday 4th July. The children can wear non-uniform in exchange for a donation.
- Raffle tickets will come home with the children, and be on sale from school for £1 a ticket.
- The deadline for buying tickets will be the 18th July.
- Prize draw will take place on Thursday 20th July, in school.
PTFA Spring Disco!
The Disco is back on 30th March 2023
If you can volunteer some of your time to help us with the disco, please fill in the Google Form below. Thanks for your support!
Mother's Day Gifts!
This year we would like to give the children the opportunity to buy a Mother’s Day Gift for their Mummy, Grandmother, Nana, Aunt, Carer, or other special person in their lives.
The gifts will cost £3.50 each, and the children will be able to choose a gift, during the school day, from a selection on offer. If your child would like to take part please complete and return the slip below, together with your cash, in an envelope clearly marked ‘PTFA MOTHER’S DAY GIFT’ no later than Friday 10th March, 2023.
If the gift is to be from more than 1 child, please note all children on one form (including each year group.) Siblings will be brought to select gifts together, to try to ensure you don’t end up with the same gift twice! The gifts will be chosen by the children in the week of 13th March, and brought home in time for Mother’s Day (Sunday 19th March.) Please make sure the children can read the name of the person who the gift is for clearly.
Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to postpone our February disco, but we'll be bringing the disco fun back after half term. See you soon!
Christmas 2022
The whole PTFA team would like to say a huge THANK YOU to all of the children who attended the first disco in what feels like forever and (for a lot of the children) literally their first school disco! The dancing was spectacular, the outfits were dazzling, and turnout was epic!
Thank you also to the teachers and parent helpers who made the event possible. Without you all we would not have been able to bring this wonderful fun-fest back for all our wonderful children.
Special thanks to our friends Murphy's bar for, once again, providing us with a DJ, music and lights for the night- we are so grateful for your continued support.
We are delighted to announce we raised a disco-tastic £684.
During April, some of our talented pupils joined our Art Challenge and made some fabulous toilet roll creations! We’re excited to share their amazing work!
Prizes for all who took part will be on the way soon!
Contact Us!
Fill out this form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you have any queries, suggestions, want to offer your help, or just to say hi... Drop us an email.