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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

“Live wisely, think deeply, love generously”

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!


Your children have settled in nicely to their new classroom with their old teacher(!) Mrs Evans and have enthusiastically embarked on their new topic of Victorians... what the Dickens?

They are already acquainted with Teaching Assistants Mrs McCrickard and Mr Weston.



No Pens Day Wednesday found us enjoying interpretive Dance as we represented the words of "In Flanders Field" by John McCrae through movement.

In Maths, we worked on an angle app on the iPad, worked out the missing numbers in sums to two decimal places on the interactive board and practised locating coordinates in all four quadrants by playing battleships.




The beginning of World War 1 was announced in class this morning and so we are busy trying to find out what started it all and who was fighting who!

Painting for our "in the trenches" display

Whoops!!! All this talk of world war is turning me grey!

Getting creative for our display

Looking at some WW1 artefacts

We have been looking at Victorian artefacts and plotting key events of the Victorian era on a timeline made in "Publisher" on the computer

Some children have taken on the role of teacher!

Inspired by the Victorians, we are designing and making a shadow puppet theatre in Science

Puppet Performance

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We have been researching Victorian inventions. Now we are attempting to replicate these using the Lego Mindstorms equipment.

During the summer holiday, Y6 completed a project on the Saint who has inspired them and whose name they are taking as their Confirmation name. I have been very impressed and most pleased with the effort and thought that has been put into each project. At last Friday's Achievement Assembly, two children explained to the rest of the school what they had done and today the whole class had the opportunity to display and explain their work to Y5.

As you can see, there are some very creative ideas and excellent work from everyone. We'll done Y6!

Practical Maths - visualising shapes, estimating how many cubes are needed to complete shapes and using interlocking cubes to build cubes and cuboids

We have been on a fabulous trip to the Black Country Museum in Dudley today. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves whilst learning many things about life in Victorian times

Black Country Museum


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In Rose Bradley's house

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The children were shown how the lamps were lit.

Our Leamington Walk

Taking water from the spring

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