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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

“Live wisely, think deeply, love generously”

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Class Saints

Each class at St Joseph's has been gifted a special saint to look after them throughout the year. These saints all have very different stories and things to teach us about the way we live our lives. At the beginning of the year each class explores the life of their saint and thinks about how they can use this to inspire and help them. Throughout the year, the children will revisit their saint again and again, looking for spiritual and practical guidance. On (or near) their saint's feast day, the children will have a celebration, wearing party clothes and honouring their life of service.


The saints details are below and you will find some more information about the saints on each class page.


  • Reception St Francis of Assisi (feast day = 4 October)
  • Year 1 The Holy Family (feast day = 26 December)
  • Year 2 Mother Teresa (feast day = 5 September)
  • Year 3 St Therese of Lisieux (feast day = 1 October)
  • Year 4 St Joseph (feast day = 19 March)
  • Year 5 St Vincent de Paul (feast day = 27 September)
  • Year 6 St Maximillian Kolbe (feast day = 14 August)

