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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

“Live wisely, think deeply, love generously”

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Year 1

Phonics Fridays!

The Day of the African Child: We had a lovely morning learning about African art. Here we are making tribal masks. They look incredible!

Summer 2: The Great Fire of London: We learned that the fire spread so quickly because, in those days, houses were made largely of wood. We made our own Tudor houses out of shoe boxes.

Summer 2: The Great Fire of London. We worked in teams to construct timelines of the events of the Great Fire. We had to use our reading and problem solving skills to put the pictures in the order that we thought was right. We then found out some more information as a class and returned to our timelines to check them and make any changes that were needed.

We hope you enjoy our video!

Still image for this video

Here we are making our props!

Week commencing 3rd May: Who has been causing havoc in our classroom? It looks like we've had a visit from the Big Bad Wolf...

Week Commencing 3rd May: In our science lesson, we had a close look at some marigold plants to identify the main parts. At the end of the lesson, we had some surprise visitors!

Week Commencing 26th April: We had a fantastic time learning about the Gunpowder Plot! We made barrels of (pretend) gunpowder, and hats like the ones Guy Fawkes and his friends would have worn, then we acted out the Gunpowder Plot - several times because it was so much fun!

Friday 23rd May: We worked so hard during our first week back after half term! Here we are enjoying some Friday afternoon choosing time.

Friday 23rd May: We acted out the story of the empty tomb, thinking about the feelings and thoughts of the women.

We really enjoyed our multi-sports session on the first Thursday back!

Spring Term 2, w/c 29th March: We learned and acted out the story of The Last Supper and thought about the meaning behind Jesus' words and actions.

Spring Term 2, w/c 29th March: This week, we went on a hunt around the field for signs of Spring. The weather was certainly one of them!

Our Playground Project: We would like to attract more birds, butterflies and insects into our playground. We did a survey to see what we already have and what we still need, then we set about making a bug hotel.

Holy Week: Today we learned about Palm Sunday. We made palm leaves and used them in our class role play.

Lent: We thought about what Love is and how we can show Love to others. We wrote our thoughts and prayers on flowers and folded the petals. Then we lit the candles and took it in turns to place our flowers carefully in water. Gradually, the petals opened to reveal all our beautiful words.

Spring term: We had a lot of fun acting out the story of Handa's Surprise as a class! Can you spot those cheeky animals lurking in the trees and the grass, waiting to take a tasty fruit from Handa's basket?

Spring Term: Our class text is "Handa's Surprise" which is set in a village in Africa. We watched a CAFOD video about the Walking for Water campaign and learned about life in an African village. Then we got busy with the cardboard and masking tape and made our own African villages.

Autumn 2: "Where the Wild Things Are": We arrived on Monday morning to find huge footprints all over our tables, and leaves strewn all over the floor. Who or what had been in our classroom? We painted some pictures of what we thought it might be and where it might have come from...

Autumn Term: "Superheroes" Here are some lovely pictures of the traps we built to trap the Evil Pea from our class text "Supertato".

