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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

“Live wisely, think deeply, love generously”

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Road Safety

Road Safety 


The Road Safety Education Team at Warwickshire County Council have met and examined all the fantastic work that our school has completed over the academic year and we are delighted to announce that we have achieved a Bronze award.


Keeping our children safe is paramount! This includes when they are not in our care and are out and about on the streets. Road safety is extremely important, so we educate all the children at St Joseph's about road safety on a regular basis through assemblies, activities, lessons, and lots of other fun ways. We are proud members of the Road Safety Club lead by Warwickshire County Council Road Safety Education team and this year we are excited to work towards achieving another Safe and Active Travel Award.


The Safe and Active Travel programme consists of four levels that we work through, completing activities along the way. The award aims to reduce the number of car trips made to and from St Joseph's (and therefore improving air quality around the school); encourage walking and cycling; promote healthier lifestyles for our children and their families and reduce our carbon footprint on the world.


Last year we achieved level 1 of the Road safety award and this year we will be working towards the Silver award.


We have already surveyed the children, parents (see results below) and staff at St Joseph's about how they travel to and from school. We have received lots of fabulous suggestions on how we can continue to improve travelling to and from school, so watch this space for future events!


In the spring term we will be relaunching our incentive based scheme 'Mini Champions Park and Stride' to help reduce the number of car trips made to and from school.


For more information on road safety please click on the following links.



Cars and Kids

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