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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

“Live wisely, think deeply, love generously”

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Mission Statement

We pray our school will be a place of great discovery, creativity and adventure. Where we learnt to love and love to learn, a place where everyone is respected and all are deeply valued. We ask all this in Jesus Christ our Lord.


Our vision for Science at St Joseph's


At St Joseph’s, our science curriculum is a coherently planned sequence of lessons to ensure a comprehensive and progressive coverage of the skills and concepts required in the national curriculum. Our aim is for children to fully embrace science and increase their knowledge and understanding of the world by providing a range of scientific enquiries that will develop their natural curiosity.

Our curriculum develops children’s understanding of substantive concepts, which are revisited throughout different year groups. In addition to this, progression of disciplinary concepts are also woven into units and include: scientific enquiry skills built upon progressively throughout the school and include: comparative and fair testing; pattern seeking, identifying, grouping and classifying; using secondary resources for research; and observation over time. This provides them with opportunities to develop working scientifically.


Our curriculum encourages respect for living organisms and the physical environment. All of this is underpinned by the three pillars of our whole curriculum: live wisely, think deeply, love generously.

