Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!

Welcome to the Year 1 page. Throughout the year, we will be adding information, photos and videos to show you all of the awesome things that Year 1 get up to. Enjoy!
JJ the Bear
Each week, one pupil will be chosen to take home JJ the class bear. Staff look for someone who has worked hard, been kind to their friends, and followed instructions carefully. Whoever gets to take JJ home will be given one job to do - have fun with JJ! No written report is expected the following week. Just enjoy.
Spring Term - We are PLANET PROTECTORS!
During the Spring Term we are going to be exploring ways in which we can try to look after the wonderful planet that God made for us. We are going to start by making small changes - making sure that our rubbish goes in the correct bin, turning off lights when we leave a room, refusing carrier bags... To start the topic, we created a large fish out of non recyclable material. We learnt that fishes are at danger due to over fishing and pollution in our oceans.

We will be reading...
We will be reading some amazing books this term, starting with ‘Here we are’ by Oliver Jeffers, ‘Dear Greenpeace’ by Simon James and ‘Superfrog and the big stink’ by Michael Foreman. We will also be exploring the globe, looking at habitats through our Geography lessons, and also at different materials and how to recycle in Science week. We hope that you can support us at home by making those small changes too. Let’s protect the planet together!
Autumn Term - We are SUPERHEROES!
We started our topic in style, by creating superhero masks and capes and watching 'The Incredibles' to get some superhero tips. Throughout the topic, we will be reading lots of superhero books as pictured above, and will be focusing on what makes each of us special. We will be thinking about what special gift God has given to each of us. What makes YOU super? (Because you are by the way!)
Healthy minds, healthy bodies
Mrs Twycross is ready for Strictly... (or maybe not!)

Mrs O’Reilly brings out her moves...

Miss Payne shows everyone how it’s really done!