Meet the Governors
Welcome to the Governors' section. At St Joseph's we are blessed with a very committed Governing body, for which we are all very grateful. We meet regularly throughout the term. Our governors are our "critical friends" helping to ensure that we are developing the school effectively and providing value for money. If you'd like to talk to any of the governors about their role in school please fill in the contact form below or grab them for a chat on the playground.
Structure and Remit of the Governing Body
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School is a voluntary aided school. The Governing Body has the overall responsibility, under the Education Act 2002, for the conduct of the school, for promoting high standards of educational achievement, and for ensuring clarity of vision, Catholic ethos and strategic direction. The Headteacher is accountable to the Governing Body for the internal organisation, management and control, and the educational performance of the school and its pupils, as well as for the promotion of our Catholic and Gospel values and how successfully we place Christ at the Centre of all we do. The Governing Body has responsibility for the appointment of staff and has delegated this to the Headteacher for all staff below the Deputy Headteacher.
Governors are responsible for overseeing the financial management of the school, making sure its money is well spent, and ensuring that St Joseph's Catholic Primary School has an effective and appropriate system of financial and management controls. The Governing Body has delegated the day to day responsibility to the Headteacher for ensuring that the systems conform with good financial management practices and with the appropriate financial regulations.
The names and term of office of the members of the Governing Body are shown in the Governor Interests and Information document below. Associate Governors are not included as they have no voting rights and don't attend meetings.
Our Mission Statement
The Governing body of St Joseph's Catholic Primary School created this mission prayer in collaboration with our school and parish. It defines our moral purpose and guiding principles for our learning community. We say this prayer every morning to remind us what we hope our school will be and our place in it.
We pray our school will be a place of great discovery, creativity and adventure. May it be a place where we love to learn and we learn to love. A place where everyone is respected and all are deeply valued. We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Governors Code of Conduct
Instrument of Governance
Terms of Reference for each committee
Contact Anne: Chair of the Governing Body
Governor Meeting Attendance
Governor Interests and Appointment Information
Governor Profiles
Paul Hayden Foundation | My working career involved 38 years at Trinity Catholic School in Leamington. Following retirement I wanted to use my experience to assist my grandchildren’s generation enjoy the benefits of an enjoyable formation experience that explores and values the life that Christ can bring to a community. I have a lot of experience in Secondary Education but look forward to involving myself in the St. Joseph’s School community, supporting everyone’s efforts to encourage and develop the students in our care. |
Anne Buttrum Foundation | I have a lot of affection for St Joseph’s because my son spent 7 happy years here. During that time I was always keen to help out wherever possible, mainly by raising funds through the PTA and assisting with the Walking Bus. When I was approached about becoming a Governor it seemed a good opportunity to continue to help as well as being a practical way of repaying the school for all it has given our family. My professional expertise is within Finance and business, and I expect to be able to use my skills and knowledge for the benefit of the school. I think this will be particularly relevant given the current proposals for schools to become Academies, but I hope to be able to contribute in other areas too. |
What is the role of a Governor?
The Governors of a Catholic school work as a team, in close co-operation with the Headteacher and all staff. All Governors and staff contribute to the Catholic character of the school and the Catholic nature of the education provided, as set out in its mission statement.
If you are interested in becoming a Governor the application form is available for download below. Being a Governor is a rewarding "job" and it requires commitment, time and a sense of humour. Please do ask Anne or Mrs Wallace what the role entails - we would love to have you on the governing body!
There are currently several vacancies (foundation governors) on the Full Governing Body.