Marathon Kids
At St Joseph's we encourage all our pupils to be as active as possible. In addition to timetabled PE and Games sessions, we employ sports coaches to lead active play during lunchtimes. Our children also take part in the Marathon Kids initiative. Over the academic year, pupils run laps and the distances are tallied up. They are aiming to run a whole marathon by the end of the year.
During the 2018 - 2019 academic year, we ran enough kilometres altogether to reach the Western Sahara desert!
For the first time we have three children who have completed a marathon during the year! This is Oscar, Jayden and Manny in July 2019. We are all so happy for them.
And this was the whole school cheering Jayden on as he completed his last laps to become our first marathon runner. He was joined by Manny and Oscar a couple of weeks later.